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Rates as of 2/1/2025

New Vehicle Loans (2024-2025)
Months A Rate
36 4.75%
61 5.25%
73 ($20,000+) 5.95%
84 ($30,000+) 6.75%
Used Vehicle Loans (2018-2023)
Months A Rate
36 5.00%
61 5.55%
73 ($20,000+) 6.45%
Used Vehicle Loans (2017 & Older)
Months A Rate
36 6.05%
48 6.55%
61 ($10,000+) 6.95%

*Vehicle loans include titled, non-commercial: passenger cars, trucks, vans with less than 150,000 miles.

**RVs and Motorcycles must be titled, otherwise price as Other-Secured.

***Maximum 60 month for all vehicles with more than 150,000 miles.

All loans based on creditworthiness. Your actual rate may be higher.

Rates subject to change. Call the credit union for the most current rates.

Rates as of 2/3/2025

Conforming Fixed Rate Loans
Term Rates as Low as 3 Monthly Payment (e)
based on $200,000
10 Years 5.750% $2,195.38
15 Years 6.125% $1,701.25
20 Years 6.500% $1,491.15
30 Years 6.750% $1,297.20
Variable Rate Loans 5/1 ARM 2
Term Rates as Low as Monthly Payment (e)
based on $200,000
10 Years 5.750% $2,195.38
15 Years 5.875% $1,674.24
20 Years 6.000% $1,432.86
30 Years 6.250% $1,231.43
Variable Rate Loans 10/1 ARM 2
Term Rates as Low as Monthly Payment (e)
based on $200,000
15 Years 6.000% $1,687.71
20 Years 6.250% $1,461.86
30 Years 6.500% $1,264.14
Government Loans
Product Rates Vary Benefits
FHA Contact Us 3.50% Down Payment
VA Contact Us Up to 100% financing for eligible service members and spouses.
USDA-RHS Contact Us Up to 100% financing available. Specific to rural areas.
HomeReady & HomePossible Contact Us As little as 3.00% down with competitive rates. Low Income.
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) 5
Type Term Rates as Low as
Line of Credit 15 Year Draw Period Prime plus zero
15 Year Repayment Period Prime plus zero
Quick Close Line of Credit 15 Year Draw Period Prime plus one
15 Year Repayment Period Prime plus one
Construction/Perm 6
Single and Dual closing Term Rates as Low as
Construction Phase Up to 12 Months- Interest Only Payments 8.00% Fixed
Perm Term Set by permanent product chosen Set by permanent product chosen
Land Only
Term Rates as Low as 4 Monthly Payment (e)
based on $75,000
10 Year Fixed- Metes & Bounds 8.000% $909.96
20 Year ARM- Metes & Bounds 8.250% $639.05
10 Year Fixed - Lot & Block 7.000% $870.81
20 Year ARM- Lot & Block 7.250% $592.78

Various types of mortgage loan programs and terms are available; not all products and rates are shown. Contact Credit Union for details.

1 *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. *(e)=Estimate. The Interest rate, annual percentage rate (APR), origination fees, discount points and closing cost are subject to change without notice based on your loan amount, credit history, loan to value and intended use of the subject property. Your APR may be different. Get an official Loan Estimate before choosing a loan. This is not an offer of credit and is subject to the terms and conditions of AlaTrust Credit Union, not all borrowers will qualify, subject to approval and underwriting standards, restrictions may apply. Variable rates are subject to change after consummation of the loan. Mortgages are only available for properties located in the continental United States. ATCU does not provide tax advice. Please consult a tax advisor for more information regarding the deductibility of interest and charges.

2 All adjustable-rate loans have various indexes, margins, caps and adjustment periods. Please ask your Loan Officer for an ARM Disclosure that is specific to the product you are considering.

3 APR shown is based on some assumptions of loan data: A $200,000 fixed rate loan with a term of 15 years with an interest rate of 6.375% and an APR of 6.484% will have a monthly payment of $1,728.50. Taxes and insurance not included. PMI not included if required by lender. Rate quoted includes a $889 origination fee. Other fees and closing costs may apply.

4 APR shown is based on some assumptions of loan data: A $75,000 Land Purchase with a term of 10 years using a Fixed Rate product and a term of 20 years using a 5/1 ARM for the variable rate. Payments vary. Payments do not include taxes, insurance, HOA or PMI. All APRs quoted includes a $889 origination fee. Other fees and closing costs may apply.

5 Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Home Equity loans have a variable rate based on an index (Prime Offer Rate as published by WSJ) plus a margin. All HELOCs have a draw period of up to 15 years renewable every 5 years. ATCU pays the members’ typical closing costs on a Quick Close HELOC. Minimum credit line of $25,000. Minimum initial draw of $10,000. All HELOCs have a minimum monthly payment of 1.00% of the Outstanding Balance. Ask your Loan Officer for more details. HELOC Disclosure.

6 AlaTrust Credit Union offers single and dual close Construction-Perm loans. During the construction phase of the loan you pay interest only payments each month. Once construction is complete, ATCU will convert the loan to permanent financing. Rates and terms vary depending on the permanent product.

ATCU is an equal opportunity lender. Membership may be required.

Rates as of 2/1/2025

Deposit Secured Loans
Description Months A Rate
Shares of Certificates 60 2% Over Dividend Rate
Minimum 3% Not to exceed Maturity of CD
Single Payment 12 2% Over Dividend Rate
Minimum 3% Not to exceed Maturity of CD
Unsecured Loans
Description Months A Rate
Single Payment 6 15.00%
Personal Line of Credit  2 year draw 16.00%
Closed End 12 14.95%
Closed End 36 15.50%
Closed End 60 15.95%
VISA Rewards Credit Cards
Description A Rate
VISA Platinum (No Annual Fee) 4.99%****
VISA Classic (No Annual Fee) 4.99%*****

All loans based on creditworthiness. Your actual rate may be higher.

Rates subject to change. Call the credit union for the most current rates.

****9.95% after 6 month introductory period.

*****14.95% after 6 month introductory period.

Rates as of 2/1/2025

Boats, RV's & Motorcycles
Description Months A Rate
New 61 6.75%
New ($20,000+) 73 7.05%
Used 61 7.75%
Used 73 7.99%
Over $30,000 Up To 240 Contact Us
**Other Secured Loans
Description Months A Rate
New 49 7.50%
New ($10,000+) 61 8.00%
Used 49 8.00%
Used ($10,000+) 61 8.50%

**Other-Secured loans include ATVs / garden tractors / 4-wheelers / trailers / AND Any age vehicle with mileage greater than 150,000 miles excluding boats. As well as any collateral without a title. 

All loans based on creditworthiness. Your actual rate may be higher.

Rates subject to change. Call the credit union for the most current rates.