The Platinum Visa Card offers the power of platinum, giving you instant purchasing power at home, on vacation, or almost anywhere you shop. And, if you usually carry a credit card balance, this card lets you take advantage of the lowest possible rate.
The Platinum Visa Card features:
- No annual fee
- 4.99% APR on New Purchases and Balances Transfers for 6 Months (offer valid for new Visa Credit Card Accounts with AlaTrust CU only).
- Credit limits up to $20,000
- 25-day grace period on purchases
- Acceptance at millions of locations worldwide
- Protection against unauthorized transactions
- aRewards … Earn one point for every dollar you spend towards CASH BACK and Merchandise Rewards.
- Convert other credit card and department store debts to your AlaTrust Visa.
For more information on our Visa Platinum or Visa Classic, call 1-800-264-8031.
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To report a lost or stolen card: 1-866-889-9132